Batch Geocoder

batchcoder.{xml | json}

The batch geocoder service allows the geocoding of multiple addresses in a single request. The request is a JSON object done using the POST method. The addresses that need geocoding must be specified in an array having id and countrycode as required parameters. When longitude and latitude parameters are used, the service makes a reverse geocoding request for that item. Reverse and direct geocoding can be mixed in the addresses array.

Request Format

The batch coder request must be formated as the following: name/batchcoder.output
The service is available in HTTP and HTTPS protocols. The HTTP verb must be POST.


Parameters of the JSON POST payload
Name Type Values Description
request object The JSON object request payload. It contains the addresses array.
maporamakey string Your account key

Request object in payload

Name Type Values Description
coder object The main object of the JSON request payload. It contains the addresses array.
encoding string e.g. utf-8 The request encoding charset.
addresses array The list of addresses that will be geocoded or coordinates that will be reverse geocoded.
Address item structure
id string e.g. 1000 The id of the item. Mandatory field.
city string e.g. ORGEVAL The city name used for geocoding.
countrycode string e.g. FR The country code used for geocoding. Mandatory field.
latitude double e.g. 48.88 The latitude to use when reverse geocoding a location.
longitude double e.g. 2.33 The longitude to use when reverse geocoding a location.
maxcount integer e.g. 20 The maximum number of results.
maxdist integer e.g. 20000 The maximum distance for a reverse geocoding request in meters.
state string e.g. CA The state code used for geocoding.
street string e.g. 1598 ROUTE DE QUARANTE SOUS The street name used for geocoding.
zipcode string e.g. 78630 The zip code used for geocoding.
adm07 string e.g. QUEENS The administrative division name up to city level
adm07code string e.g. NY081 The administrative division code up to city level
adm09 string e.g. BRONX The administrative division name under the city level
adm09code string e.g. NY00508510 The administrative division code under the city level


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